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currently: going to fall asleep soon.

So yeah, I'm in Malaysia again.
And the bug bite count so far: two.

I felt like the title needed some bad Star Wars reference or something as I now return to blogging about this trip back to Asia, 3 years later. The non-existent people who have read my blog from the beginning may remember my first round of blogposts from 2008 where I spent about 11 days in Malaysia and Singapore.
Well this time, it's just a Malaysia trip. And I'll be here for the next 20 days (almost 3 weeks for those who are too lazy to figure it out.)

Not a great deal has been done since I arrived here in Kuala Lumpur at 7am this morning. After an uncomfortable (but smooth) midnight flight where very little sleep was done, I have been too tired to do much. It's that sense of being present - but not being mentally present anywhere. A dazed like state.

I try my best to take everything in. The scenery looks generally the same as I remembered it - maybe just a few more tall buildings chucked in and around the place.

And so is the rain. Pelts you hard and fast, and quite loudly too.

Being in Malaysia, I'm a bit hesitant to take out my camera a lot of the time unless it's safe to do so. I wished I had gotten more pictures but safety comes first around here.

Well food, followed by safety. Today's buy of the day comes from the local mall where they have this place called "J-Co" where they serve donuts and coffee with a logo that looks too similar to Starbucks.
12 Donuts with original names but with slightly strange flavours. I haven't actually eaten one yet, but they do look pretty decent in the box. Durian however I will not try. The smell from that annoyingly lingers on for ages.

Anyway, I am exhausted, so better rest up for whatever tomorrow has in store.

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