currently: lying in bed
Did you miss me?
Yeah I figured not.
Nothing exciting has happened since I posted a month ago (see this post for explanation). I had been feeling sick again last week thanks to some stomach issue and a possible intolerance to onions... But I'm better now and have actually gotten off the laptop to do some stuff.
For example, I've done some Christmas shopping:
(It's an ice tray in the shape of dentures. So you put your ice teeth in your drink so it looks like someone left their teeth in the glass. Amazing XD)
Made a cheesecake:
Had my first experience standing in line to get into a bar for an hour before leaving:
Saw some epic Christmas lights nearby:
And took a midnight walk on the beach with Boyfriend.
So I've done a few things. But not a lot.
Oh and I got a new sewing mannequin! A very belated birthday/early Christmas present from the parents. So hopefully I'll start cranking out some stuff :D
In the meantime, stay well, don't eat lots of onions and I make no apologies for writing more posts soon.