In a moment of productive boredom.

I curled my hair for no apparent reason. Cause I don't really feel like doing much and its crappy weather outside.
So slackage on my part for lack of blogging.
Lately I've just been really lazy/busy with house packing (my room is pretty much empty thanks to the carpeting that had to happen last week), saying bye to all my good mates moving to various unis, and with just general uni stuff trying to get sorted (Studylink, I dislike you very much for STILL not paying my fees like you said you would.)
Yeah, uni can bite me right now.
On the other hand, NCEA schols have treated me well by giving me $500 from Media Studies!
And the new Paramore video "The Only Exception" just came out. It's interesting...I'm not sure I fully like it, maybe its just the different nature of it all...but check it out for yourself :D
I will go back and catch up on my posts very soon. Have to say my frequency of postage has dropped real dramatically. Not that you'd care, its less to read. Oh today's culture, how it falls.