currently: listening to "As We Fall" by Trigger Theory. Download the tracks from their PureVolume site.
Wow, so slackage on my part for the lack of postage. You would think me being on holidays would mean much more time to post, but no. It just means more time to be lazy.
Though I have been busy with shopping, sewing, and I spent last Saturday helping my other half with cleaning his storage container.
I have to say though, shopping for my other half is something that is new to me. I've never been with someone during Christmas. So finding something is just real difficult. Plus it doesn't help when they go "Oh its okay, I don't need anything."
Dude, its the holidays. I gotta get you something and it's gotta be good.
Not that what I give decides the fate of your relationship, but when they say that its the thought that counts, heck I'm doing million dollars worth of thinking for this gift.
Anyway, I'm working on it right now and should probably get back to it. I have an idea that is probably both meaningful in thought and effort to get lol.
I'll leave you with Christmas music. Cause at this time of year, (the week of Christmas) its the only time I find it acceptable to play Christmas music (and not in October like Kmart thinks.)
I love Relient K's Christmas music. Plus anything with thieving bunnies and angry snowmen gotta be good.