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So long, [insert school name]

currently: graduated. Sort of.

I had the most full on day yesterday.
Cause I have finished high school.

I didn't cry, I didn't feel sad...for some reason, it was just an amazing and fun day.

I don't feel like I've finished.

Classes were a bit of a ...ehh. hahah. in Photography/Study, our small little group were partying it up loud (while I was sewing on the straps of my grad dress....hahah). Last assembly was loud. Beach was awesome (depsite cops.) and Grad Dinner just TOPPED everything off.

Its just really hard to believe that in the place where I've dedicated 5 years of my life to, the place where I've spent hundreds of hours working, playing, hanging out with people, going from class to class, and talking with teachers...that it's all over.

Maybe its the fact that I live so close to the school and I know I'm going back. Cause I'm gonna be one of THOSE people that just doesn't leave. ahhahaha.

To all the friends I've made, all the students at the school, all the teachers that have been awesome to me, thank you SO much.
I will never forget it :P

Unless I kill myself with this exam study first.

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