So today, made another trip to Kmart.
I like Kmart, despite some of the experiences I've had in there.
Today I was just killing time. So when I do that, I cruise down pretty much all the aisles, more specifically the clearance clothing. Cause I normally don't like buying expensive clothes, I'm pretty happy with clearance stuff, and just layer or cut up that stuff. Generally they're all pretty good.
Anyway, there was no major sale going on. But I did see some good clearance stuff that I would totally buy if I had the cash.
So I have a small spot in my heart for printed tees.
Specially if they're cute, funny, or one of those inside joke tees that someone may not get, but I laugh at anyway :D
Reason why I LOVE Mr Vintage. (though I'm still waiting till I have cash for that too. That or I'm gonna have to make my own lol.)
Anyway, I saw a couple of cool as tees.

This was totally cheap too (like $10), if I hadn't forgotten my wallet I would have gotten this.
Then again, wearing this shirt would probably not be the best thing, can't see it as the type of top that you should wear around a boyfriend...
Its cute none the less XD Nothing wins better than inanimate objects with smiley faces :P

Sorry for crappy picture quality. My pocket digital camera is broken (to my extreme annoyance) and so this was taken off my cellphone (and mind you, my cell is like 4 years old. I luff it XD). I would have retaken it if I wasn't getting odd looks from this one old lady.
But anyway, have to count the win factor on this. Dancing raisins and cleverly created puns. AWESOME.
That's pretty much all the cool printed tees.
I hate shirts that are like slogans. Like "Your boyfriend thinks I'm hot" or some shallow, unfunny quote that just makes people raise their eyebrows, judge your character, and turn their backs.
Mind you, when I see shirts like that, I am one of those people. ahha.
Anyway, found some NOT SO good clearance clothing.

Ugly as anything bodysuits.
WHY people are thinking this should come back in I don't understand.
Bodysuits should be left for swimwear, ballerinas, gymnasts, and babies.
Infact, that white one looks like something an oversized baby should wear. They're just plain ugly.
And they're all like "Wear under a high waisted skirt." etc etc. Which just makes me think "Why not actually WEAR a proper top under your high waisted skirt? At least going to the bathroom would be SO MUCH easier."
Cause trust me, I hated having to make bathroom stops with one piece bathing suits.
No way would I want to keep doing that again.