Apple pie is like love on a plate. ♥
But anyway, recently I made these earrings for my friend, Becca (
Becca earrings
Originally uploaded by MellieNZ
It's like the first time in a decent year or so that I have made earrings. I don't know why I haven't been inspired to do it in so long...but it felt kinda cool to make something new. I mean I quite like these. Think I'm developing a style with earrings to use thin metal chains and stuff.
Which is kinda cool. I think it's quite nice to have a style. Feels more...artisticly professional or something haha.
But's like being in one of those phases where you go "OMIGOSHIGOTSANIDEA".
And then I make a ridiculous amount of earrings to feel all cool cause I'm all "inspired."
heh, I actually enjoy my inspirational phases. I feel very tempted to skip homework right now :D
Btw- did anyone realise that Americans spell Jewellery as 'jewelry'?
Well probably the Americans did, I only noticed till now haha.