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currently: Listening to 'Sticks and Stones' by Mumsdollar.

So my sis has been playing 'Lucky' by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat nonstop all day today. Asking me if I could make a bebo skin for this song, I said "What picture should I be using then?"
"One with Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat."
Unsatisfied with her reply, I decided to just surf the net for Jason Mraz pictures. Which eventually led me to

I've heard of artists that personalise their pages with blogs and videos. Jason Mraz takes it one step further.

Go to the site. Turn off any of your music that's playing, quiet down the tv. And just let this page load. Cause Jason is gonna speak.
I love how Jason's witty and clever speech is the one that greets you. I admit, his voice is a little creepy (think it's cause of the echo) but its still very entertaining to listen to his voice talk about stuff every time you click a page. The 'Tour Page' song is worth listening to. And just have a glance through his journals. There are quite a few funny ones in there.
Plus, his recent Merry Christmas video is a good laugh.

So yeah, if you like Jason Mraz and his music, it's worth checking out.

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